
Saturday, November 20, 2004


today was doin on the purpose driven life chapter 5. Actually i missed reading a couple of days so i decided to restart by reading the chapter 1. sometimes, when i do something, when i missed out something or sequences, i will start over again. Hopefully i wont missed again, or i think i will never complete the whole book or i will finish when i'm L.K.K.

okay, summarized the whole of chapter 5. The title is "seeing Life from God's view". the 1st question that the writer point out it" how do you view life", because it will define a persons perspective of life, his expectations, or goals, his values, or even relationship. All these are man's life metaphor. The writer said instead of looking at ourselves, why dun take a look at God's view. Verse taken from Rom 12:2 it's has 3 such metaphors.
1) Life on earth is a Test. it is to allow God to develop our character. We are always been tested by God ranging from small matters like offering our services to others, to handling problems and even worse circustances. To understand that when life is a test, then everything will be seems so insignificant because we know that it's for our character development, and everday is an opportunity to demonstrate love, depend on God and deepen our character.
2) Life on earth is a Trust.it's our duty to manage and take care of God's stuff. all the things that we poccess is from God, and we are just his care-taker while our time on earth, and He will pass it on to someone when it's time to do so. at the end of the day, we will be rewarded to how much we have been entrusted with.

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