
Saturday, May 28, 2005

Family Day at Edgefield P.S 

Attended the Co's In House Seminar today at F's hotel before heading to Punggol for the family day...was pretty reluctant to attend this seminar since it's wont be directly affect me in anyway, and only for head knolwdege that all... Guess what!!! only abt half of the QSs were there, which the rest make up of pp from the G.S.B or GLC and other pte sectors. Talked abt the Nicoll highway's Collapse and the report by the COI. Had printed out the reports to read last week after it posted online, but gave up after reading a couple of pages... :( still collecting office dust.. :p Have no head and tail on what the speaker, think reading the report 1st b4 going to the seminar will help a lot...

Reached the school pretty late, when everyone were heading for lunch...Thank goodness G.S to help me to bring out the lunch for me... was sitting there and got the chance to call M.L after a long time since i catch up with her(after M's dad wake), but she was away in Msia holiday and visiting her relatives...Just wanna catch up with her before she flies off to I for her M trip(1 year)

This year Family Day was more free and easy as compared to last year, won a medal last year. and logical i would want to play this year but thoughts of potentially 1 more medal in my drawer will deter me from playing. :p Had a good time taking photos (using AH's camera), taking every possible candid shots from different angles and including every Hope pp and some of the students and the principal in every shots...Was quite satisfied with the shots that i have taken... except few shots which have to be deleted and one pic that i have missed (when christina passed the bouquet to the principal)... It's been years since i took pics for a long period like today and the results turned out to be "not too bad". :) Was thankful that AH entrusted her exp digital camera to me and the opportunity to show off my "shooting skills". hehe!!!

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