
Tuesday, February 28, 2006

New learnings... =) 

hmmm, just felt like blogging abt my BSF lessons yesterday...

One thing that i had misunderstood abt God in the book of Genesis, was when Adam and Eve sinned against God, though God banished them from the garden of Eden, and preventing them from getting near/able to touch the tree of life which wasnt forbbidden to them before the fall of man... i thought that because man sinned against God thus God decided to forbid them from eating the fruit from the tree of life... (never would i expect that it's God's ultimate love for Adam and Eve and their generations, cause if they ate the fruit of the tree of life, they will be forever seperated from God)... never would i realised that God had already His plan of redemption for all mankind even from the point when Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit.
Gen 3:15, God had already had plan for His Son, Jesus to come and redeem us from our sins, give us eternal life and the defeat of Satan by Jesus. hmmm... it's something that i must always reminded myself that it's not a co-incidence that Jesus came down to take away our sins, but it's was already God's plan in the beginning.

Another thing that i have learnt was when Satan uses all his means and ways to deceive Eve and Jesus while He's in the desert...
it's wasnt a subtle temptations to lure Eve to sin, but he uses techniques to pull Eve to her most intermost desire, is to be like God to know what's good and evil, by pulling her concentration to focus on the forbidden tree and opening her heart to temptations...

Times when i allow Satan to deceive me were the times i allow myself to focus on what he can offer me (forgetting that satan is the father of all lies)... things that attracts me the most, worldly pocessions.. etc... sometimes, as what i feel the same as what my DG pp had shared, that i have spent more time with my loved ones rather than spending more time knowing God by studying His Word... Back-tracked a bit... when i failed to get i want, then the first things, guess that i will blame God first... aiyah... As what i have said many times, i will spend more time in God's Word rather than put on holding on to just saying.

hmmm, guess that hearing God's Word from others wont help much in my spiritual intake as compared from hearing from God Himself... Food for thought**

... will continue again...

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