
Saturday, January 26, 2008

Facial @ LD 

Today, after few months din go facial.. me and sista booked a morning facial with LD at Harbourfront... Almost freaked out by a "dropping" steaming machine... but anyway, had a relaxing day... Then it's work time... went to finish up a FE for the S.F. tender... which going out this Friday... which will followed by handful of NSC... Okay... not a gud news leh... But anyway, tried to finish up bulk of our side work during weekends...

May have to cancel leave to come back to work during CNY week.... but then it helps me save leave for use next time. Gud idea? hehe... But hopefully can clear all the work before that week so i dun need to come back during that CNY week. =)

Me going to have a long break (hopefully)... looking forward...

Now am comfortably seated in my new seat... but somehow, it's not the same as before... but hey, my ex-neigbour is just seated 2 partitions away... so can hopped by to disturb her when she's not so busy... haha...

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