
Sunday, February 14, 2010

Blessed New Year. 新年mong 福,恩。 

Blessed New Year to all.... Esp to my family and friends, and all the people i know....

Today, as usual as we will go to 1 gathering point where all my relatives will gathered... This year with more people, i mean kids... esp our family quite productive.... Everyone gets at least 2 kids, minimum... As usual, tis year i was spared from those embarrassing questions as those who will asked did not make it to the CNY gathering due to work or personal reasons... But Sis genna tis time round... Haha... Cant imagine how conservative our family? Guess Sis will have to "bu" at least 2 ittle rascals out.

Tomorrow, incidentally is my birthday... On the 2nd day of CNY... Sis and Mao going to celebrate my birthday tomorrow at SCA... of all places... Omg... Never mind, since they wont have a lot of opportunity to go there unless u have to travel out of Sgp....

This time round for CNY, i took a week off... to take a break off work... and hopefully to catch up with friends whom i have not met for a long time... To do some serious shopping which i have been holding off until now... Hopefully can get it before it collapsed and hopefully to solved the problems associated with it.

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